The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL), established in August 1999, is in a raipd process of acquiring and developing its human resources. Currently, the WUSL has over 100 academic, 250 non-academic staff for a student population of about 2100. The WUSL expects its teaching and research activities to be challenging, innovative, and above all, responsive to the rapidly evolving needs of the 21st century. We, the people work in the Staff Development Centre (SDC) of the WUSL, are, therefore, in a process of developing a distinct academic style that is based on a culture of high achievement and a focus on the needs of professional practitioners.


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Wednesday 05 Feb 2025


Workshop Workshop



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Workshop Workshop

CCSD Course Facilitator Conducting a Session

CCSD Course Facilitator Conducting a Session CCSD Course Facilitator Conducting a Session

CCSD lectures by Resource person

CCSD lectures by Resource person CCSD lectures by Resource person

CCSD 2008 Group

CCSD 2008 Group CCSD 2008 Group
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Welcome to SDC / WUSL

The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL), established in August 1999, is in a raipd process of acquiring and developing its human resources. Currently, the WUSL has over 100 academic, 250 non-academic staff for a student population of about 2100. The WUSL expects its teaching and research activities to be challenging, innovative, and above all, responsive to the rapidly evolving needs of the 21st century. We, the people work in the Staff Development Centre (SDC) of the WUSL, are, therefore, in a process of developing a distinct academic style that is based on a culture of high achievement and a focus on the needs of professional practitioners.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 04:20

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